I know, I know… Two days in a row, but Neil Patel has a great post on “5 SEO Mistakes that Crush Rankings” over at QuickSprout.com. If you are building sites or are wondering why your current sites aren’t ranking well this could help. There is also a link to the SEOMoz SEO Beginner Guide which is well worth the time to read.
I know I am guilty of one or more of these on each site I build Let me know where you fall and any tips you might have in the comments!
Also, John Chow has an innovative idea for link building today - check it out if you use WordPress.
Thanks for the tips. Keep up the good work. Will check them out and hopefully improve my site in the process.
Do you have a favorite tip that a newbie blogger must do?
Yes, Title Tags! Most basic, but I looked at this site last week and I had really jacked mine up and I know better… knowing and doing are 2 different things though. Like your site BTW.
Hmm, Title Tags. I’m confused with tags and alt text and meta descriptions. Too many terms… Thanks! Do you use blog or webiste grader?
There are some really good overviews I’ll see if I can dig up and email to you – it is a lot easier than you would think especially using WordPress.
i agree mostly marketer always make such mistakes ..thanks for reminding me about these mistakes