
No, I am not starting a DomainNitro.com podcast. Not yet at least.

As part of my “real life” I have a great opportunity to learn called a… daily commute!

I listen to as many podcasts as I possibly can to gain information about domain name and related topics such as Internet Marketing, WebSites, Sales and Marketing, etc. I also generally take notes as I go along to help me remember key points and to jot down ideas I have that are spawned by listening to the podcast.

The following is a list of the podcasts I listen to and related notes. I am trying to come up with my own rating system per podcast episode so you may see some stars or similar concept – those are my own opinion – your mileage may vary.

Domain Sherpa
Oz Domainer
The Foolish Adventure
Empire Flippers (aka AdSense Flippers)
Domain Masters
The Smart Passive Income Podcast