Hey buddy, could you spare a .com?

Domain Names Cheap

Domain Names - cheaper is better?

If .com domains were computer hardware, they’d be the hard drive.  Wait, before your eyes glaze over, keep reading for some domain name truth.  In all honesty the rest of this article can be summed up with buy .com’s and life will be good.

If you are still reading then imagine a scenario like this:

Hey buddy, could you spare a nickel?   I’ll work for it and store 1,073,741,824 bytes of data for you and give you a penny back.

I got a new camera and took a lot of pictures over the holidays and with each picture about 7MB I need to find a bigger drive to store them.  I headed over to Amazon to get an idea of how much I was going to lay out for a 500GB or maybe a 1TB (a TB is 1,099,511,627,776 bytes or roughly 4.5 million books) drive and was I ever surprised?  To put this in perspective, when I started in the tech industry almost 20 years ago I worked for a company that was the posterchild for collecting massive amounts of data and they had news agencies and press releases and industry pundits clamoring when they hit 1TB of data stored!

Have you seen the price of computer hard drives lately?  Seriously, I figured it up and for well under a nickel, yes $0.05, you can a GB of drive space…  For less than $100 you can get a 2TB hard drive.  I don’t have any hard drive domains, but I seriously don’t see how the manufacturers are making money on these drives…  I’m glad they’re building them though as they will probably hold about 350,000 pictures I take – maybe a couple of them will actually be good.

The point of this post isn’t to push hard drives, but to consider trends.  I know, took a while to get there, but what are the trends driving your industry, domain developments, websites, etc?  If I were looking at hard drives and storage you would think solid state drives were the trend a few years ago and possibly memory cards, or even RAM drives, but even that seems to not matter because the mainstay hard drive is the standard and until something can topple it or render it obsolete don’t count on them going away anytime soon.  Even with the advent of online storage, online backups or whatever the online story of the day is today I can’t see bigger and better hard drives going anywhere!

Now, where does that bring me?  Domain names, of course! 

Everyone knows that .com is THE domain to have.  There are alternatives, pun intended Morgan, and you can buy any of these and be successful;  However, the .com is the cheapest per MU (New term, MegaUsers that I just made up). 

You can develop out a .net, .org, .us, .co, .tv, .biz, .mobi, .cc or whatever you want and the trend is that there are a LOT more extensions coming soon and even more over the next few years and you can use them as well and get a good user base, but the second the person forgets the domain name or just gets in a hurry they’ll type it in with .com and you’ll have lost that MegaUser, maybe for good if the .com is developed! 

The point of the story is that you can, and should, buy and develop other domain extensions because you can get them for cheap, but you should probably flip/sell the site and use the proceeds to buy the .com and bank some or use it to develop more domains.  Or you can buy the .com in the first place if you have the cash because their typo/typein traffic will increase as you develop your domain and once that happens they will want more for the .com domain.  Either way, the .com needs to be recognized for what it is – the biggest, badest domain on the block with the most MU potential for the least amount of money.  I’m personally looking for a PU, but that is a story for another day.

Now get out there and develop some .us’s, sell them and buy some .com domains!

~~ DomainNitro ~~

2011 – the year of “Just Do It!!!”

 2010 was a waste of time – you didn’t get those domains developed, you didn’t sell enough domains, you bought too many pigeon s*** domains, you didn’t get x domain in the drop that you really wanted, you couldn’t close a great name because you were short on funds, and in general you just suck at life!

Well, maybe it wasn’t all that bad, maybe you didn’t do all you wanted, but you did do SOMETHING to sell domain names and sites, upgrade your portfolio of domains, build links, write articles and SEO your existing sites. 

Domain Name Success

Which path will you take?

You did network more and build some key relationships online and offline.  You did come up with a domain name development plan and stop buying, right?

Two schools of thought above for me (luckily I have voices in my head telling me both versions.)  Which you choose to believe will probably determine how well your 2011 online efforts turn out.  So, why don’t you write down what you want to accomplish this coming year as if you were sitting in the middle of December NEXT year and writing what you have accomplished online with either selling domain names, developing websites, or some other way to make money online.  Here’s mine:

“It is almost 2011 and I can’t believe how good a year it has been! 

  • I finally made the turn and quit buying too many domains
  • I started developing some decent sites for long term development efforts
  • I flipped 10 domains for $10,000 profit
  • I sold 10 domain names for $5,000 profit
  • My best site is getting over 10,000 uniques per month
  • My 10 best performing domains are each making over $100 per month and they are on autopilot now.
  • I didn’t do one thing that spurs a “you know what this idot noob did to me?” post from Shane.  It is quite possible I have violated every one of his posts like that – I’ve read and learned enough now that hopefully I won’t do it again, but maybe I’ll invent something new he hasn’t seen this year :)
  • I got on Morgan’s site because of some great development or partnership effort that is totally cool.
  • I have a great plan for 2012 and I’m taking the rest of the year off, except maybe picking up some decent domains while everyone else is relaxing during the holidays…

That is quite a wonderful list of accomplishments and I have a plan to make it happen!  It is going to be a great 2011!


 ~~ DomainNitro ~~ 

Do you speak “Whinese?”

I have two daughters and they are just about the best kids anyone could want, but on occasion they get tired or cranky and start whining…  My response is ALWAYS “I don’t understand Whinese!”

They know now that it means to speak to me instead of whining and then to think about what it is that is bothering them.  Then they have to come up with ideas on what to do instead of whining.  Great stuff, huh?  The problem with whining is that it is self-fulfilling – the more you whine, the more you see to whine about and the more you practice whining the better you get at it. 

The problem I find is that even though I don’t understand Whinese, that doesn’t stop ME from doing it, too!  This occurs mostly in my own head and it usually has something to do with domains, development, or trying to build an online business or some other make money online tactic.  Have you ever heard the little voice in your head say something like:

  • “That is a STUPID domain name and it sold for what on SEDO?”   This generally occurs on Wednesdays when I get over to www.dnjournal.com. Which domains sell truly amazes me sometimes, but the non-Whinese thought should be – “Wow, maybe someone will buy one of the stupid domains I picked up last year for $8 and give me $8,000!” Hasn’t happened yet, but it will!
  • “Web Development is hard, time consuming, boring, etc.”   This generally occurs when I’m either working on a site or debating whether I should start another site… and it usually leads to…
  • “I should take a look at Sedo, NamePros, Bido, BoxCar, Flippa, GoDaddy etc” This happens all the time – I would MUCH rather buy a domain name by researching it and trying to get a good deal than just about anything… I can see how stock brokers and investors, gamblers and domainers are all alike – just one more penny option (ok, $8) and I can turn it into $5k! 

So, Doctor, “Heal thyself!”  What can I do instead of whining?  Look at the domains I have already and realize that they have value and that I CAN make them work for me and that there were good reasons I bought them.  I will start that development project, I will research people interested in this domain and send them emails, I will start that SEO campaign, I will set up that Facebook fan page and I WILL QUIT WHINING!

Do you speak Whinese?

GoDaddy.com Hosting just $1.99/mo! 468x60

Well, I didn’t die and I still have some domain names…

Since I didn’t die yet and I still have some domain names I guess I need to evaluate how I did living yesterday and those three goals…  They were to:

     1) Finish a book review
     2) Get some articles written for a new site
     3) Send some emails on sites and domains to flip

Well, I didn’t make them all, but there is at least a good reason…  I started working on the book review again and it was so good that I ended up reading it all and then had to start back reviewing it.  Made good headway and I should finish tonight.  Good thing is that it will change how I was going to do the other two tasks…

The book I’m reviewing is on domain name flipping and it is from a guy named Morgan Linton.   It is due to be released soon so go pick it up.  Until it is released, you should REALLY go over and spend some time on his site, www.MorganLinton.com and learn as much as you can.  He is one of the more “real” people you will find on the net discussing domains, development and building an online business.

If you are just getting into domaining or trying to make money online then the book I’m reviewing is for you and you should really go pick it up – it will save you a LOT of time and wasted money.

If you have been buying domain names and just “collecting” them (ie not selling many) then the book I’m reviewing is for you as well – you may know some of the concepts, but it is clear and very plain on what you should do.

Now remember, you will die, so go do this now. :)

~~ DomainNitro ~~

Remember – you will die!

“Just Do It”, “Carpe Diem”, “Life is short”, “You only live once”, “Yada, yada…”.  I hear these quotes all the time and if you’re like me you don’t really “hear” them…  However, when I saw this watch I just had to smile and stop to think about what they really mean. 

Remember - You will die watch

Remember - You will die

The watch has a mirrored face so you see yourself in the watch with the words “remember, you will die”.   It can’t get any clearer than that.  With the rapidly approaching New Year, what are you going to resolve to do to “Seize the day?”  Better yet, what are you going to do TODAY? 

I am going to:

  • finish a book review I’ve been slow to get done
  • get some articles farmed out for a new site
  • send out some sales emails for some sites I want to flip

I think that is enough for tonight!

On a side note, I really like the concept and the idea behind the watch company (Mr. Jones Watches) above – interesting stuff.   I have a friend who is really into watches and he questioned the quality and later noticed the message, I barely even saw the watch and only saw the message.  I guess it is all about perspective…

Swimming, snow and no pictures…

Slow day for domains, developing and business in general as I was out early for my daughter’s swim meet and out late for volleyball for the other daughter. In between I finished up most of the Christmas lights.

We rarely get snow and of course it didn’t stick, but it is still weird to be at a swim meet when it is snowing outside. I went to grab my new camera which I bought for taking some website pictures, kids sports, etc, but of course I forgot it so here is a picture of the camera I bought… Still trying to figure it out, but it is pretty sweet.